Filing an Ethics Complaint
Ethics Complaint Process
It is important to note that the REALTORS® of Punta Gorda-Port Charlotte-North Port-DeSoto, Inc. has legal limits on its authority. We cannot conduct a hearing to determine violations of law, nor can we enforce contracts or award monetary damages to an injured party in a case. These powers are reserved to the courts and/or state licensing authority. We also do not have the power to revoke an individual’s real estate license. This power falls under the authority of the Florida Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing.
If you are experiencing a problem with a REALTOR® that is legal or if it pertains to the interpretation of a contract, we suggest you contact an attorney to learn your legal options.

The Complaint Process
Complaints Must
- be filed with a realtor’s primary Association,
- be in writing,
- be filed within 180 days after the facts described in the complaint could have been known in the exercise of reasonable diligence,
- allege violations of specific Articles of the Code of Ethics,
- state the facts supporting the allegations.
To File a Complaint
- Contact the Association office at 941-629-8261, to determine the realtor’s primary association.
- Read the Before You File an Ethics Complaint document.
- Read the Code of Ethics and note which Article(s) of the Code you believe have been violated.
- Complete Form #E-1.
- Type or handwrite a summary of the events regarding the alleged violation.
- Provide any additional documentation, and/or correspondence with the realtor you believe is relevant.
- Email the Form #E-1, the summary, and supporting documents to
Our Association strives to promote professionalism among its members. When a member does not abide by the Code of Ethics, it affects the entire REALTOR® organization. If you have any questions regarding the jurisdiction of the Board or the complaint process, please contact Cristin Beverley at 941-629-8261 or